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St Bernard Parish Public School System

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Katherine Lemoine, District I


Phone: (504) 301-2000

Mrs. Katherine Lemoine

District - 1 President

Katherine Lemoine currently serves as the Associate Vice Chancellor of Advancement at Nunez Community College. Lemoine has spent her entire career in the classrooms of St. Bernard Parish, working with students at every grade level.

She began her teaching career at C.F. Rowley Elementary School under principal Liz Winslow and was named 2003 St. Bernard Parish New Teacher of the Year. She holds a Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Education from U.N.O., and is enrolled in its Ph.D. program for Educational Administration.

Lemoine is also active in the community, serving as a Board Member for the Voices Foundation, the Old Arabi Neighborhood Association, the St. Bernard Chamber of Commerce, and as the educational liaison for Shine Productions. Lemoine’s commitment to public service is instilled in her by her parents, Kevin and Tara Karcher. She lives in Old Arabi with her husband Barry, a writer and fellow educator.