Joseph "Joe" V. Long, District 5
Mr. Joseph "Joe" V. Long
District 5
Mr. Long has represented District 5 of the St. Bernard Parish School Board since January 1987. Mr. Long is currently the Co-Chair of the Executive Committee and is the liaison to the Louisiana Legislature. He has held many positions on the Board including Chair of the Building, Executive and Insurance Committees. Also he served as the Legislative Liaison for the Board while holding the office of Vice-President.
He worked for the Amoco Production Company and retired from Murphy Oil Company after 25 years of service. Mr. Long has served as President of the United Steelworkers of America - Local 8363 and has served on the Executive Board of the Greater N.O. AFL-CIO. He also is a former owner of Long's Day Care Center and a former member of the St. Bernard Community College Board of Trustees.
A lifelong resident of St. Bernard Parish, Mr. Long is widowed with 2 children and 3 grandchildren.