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St Bernard Parish Public School System

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New to District Student Registration (K-12)

K-12 Student Registration

St. Bernard Parish K-12 In-Person Registration

St. Bernard Parish Public School System is registering new students enrolling in grades kindergarten through 12th grade. Students who attended a St. Bernard Parish Public School during the 2024-2025 school year do not need to re-enroll. Registration appointments will begin in June.

Parents or legal guardians will need to call their student’s district school to schedule an in-person appointment to register. New residents can determine their district school by entering their address into

Students who are transferring schools within our system and have been previously enrolled in a St. Bernard Parish Public School will also need to make an appointment to verify residency.

Each school’s contact information can be found on our district website by clicking the specific school on the top left portion of the page.

At the time of the appointment, parents or legal guardians should be prepared with all required documentation. A list of the required documentation can be found below. 

Registration packets will be provided at the time of the appointment for those choosing to register in-person. In-person registration will take approximately 45 minutes.

Questions or concerns can be directed to our Central Office at 504-301-2000 or the school’s principal.


Documents Required for Registration

Admission Requirements

The following items are required for admission to St. Bernard Parish Public Schools in accordance with LA Rev Stat 17:222:

  1. Birth Certificate (Students born in Louisiana have 15 days to submit a birth certificate, students not born in Louisiana have 30 days to submit a birth certificate)
  2. Current state of Louisiana Universal Certificate of Immunization
  3. Custody paper (if applicable - Provisional Custody by Mandate and notarized letters are not accepted as documentation of custody.)
  4. Final report card from the previous year (except Kindergarten)
  5. Proofs of Residence
  6. (Optional) Social Security Card (to be used for government assistance for potential state and federal benefits)

Proof of Residence Requirements

The parent/legal guardian of any student whose current legal address has not been verified, or its validity has come into question to the Department of Children Welfare and Attendance, must provide proof of residence within the school attendance district zone to the appropriate school principal. 

Documents presented as proof of residence must bear the name and current legal address of the student’s parent/legal guardian. 

  1. If you own and live in your current home:
    1. A copy of your Homestead Exemption notification letter or bill of sale for recent purchases
    2. And any two current utility bills or deposits - these bills must include the parent/guardian name and physical address
  2. If you are leasing or renting your home:
    1. A copy of the lease with all children listed as occupants
    2. And any two current utility bills or deposits - these bills must include the parent/guardian name and physical address
  3. If a parent or guardian is unable to produce documents outlined above, they must contact the Office of Child Welfare and Attendance for further guidance.

Each new registrant must complete:

  • McKinney-Vento Homeless survey
  • Home Language Survey