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St Bernard Parish Public School System

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Training: Teach St. Bernard

Field Experience

There is no better teacher than experience. Each candidate is required to complete 30 hours of field experience with a mentor teacher. Field experience is tailored to the needs of the candidate so the specifics regarding Field Experience will be discussed with candidates who are selected to participate in a phone interview.

Initial Training

Candidates that successfully complete the interview process and are hired at a school site will complete at minimum a four weeks intensive professional development.

When: July 6th - First Day of School

  • Initial training is a full time commitment Monday - Friday from 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.
  • Training will begin the first week of July and conclude the day prior to the district-wide teacher start date. 
  • Sessions during this training will focus on:
    • Classroom Management
    • Child and Adolescent Psychology
    • Standard Based Lesson Planning
    • Backward Design and Unit Planning 
    • Foundational Reading
    • Teaching high-poverty students
  • All candidates are required to complete a field training with a mentor teacher and students. Field training will be individually structured to meet the needs of the candidate and will be discussed upon acceptance into the program.
  • Please Note: This is an un-paid training. Candidates will receive their first pay check in the middle of August. Please plan accordingly.

Training and Support During the School Year

  • Mentorship and Coaching: Teachers will work closely work with a mentor teacher and a coach/ teacher leader throughout the school year. 
  • Peer Observations: Teachers are required to complete 10 peer-observations each semester and complete a reflection guide.
  • Saturday Sessions: Teachers will participate in 8 Saturday sessions focusing on different topics pertinent to the classroom teacher.