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St Bernard Parish Public School System

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Special Education Advisory Council

St. Bernard Parish School Board

Special Education Advisory Council (SBPSB SEAC)

The St. Bernard Parish School Board Special Education Advisory Council (SBPSB SEAC) is an opportunity for parents, district staff, and community stakeholders to provide advice and feedback regarding special education policies, procedures, and resources. The members of the SBPSB SEAC shall engage in outreach activities in the community to increase the level of knowledge, support, and collaboration in regard to special education. The panel will consist of parents of exceptional children, SBPSB
district employee(s), and community stakeholder(s) who are appointed and will act as an advisory council to the superintendent and/or the school board. The council will meet three times per year.

Council members will:

  • Actively participate in meetings with the St. Bernard Parish Special Education Supervisor and/or designee.
  • Share input on upcoming decisions concerning policy, procedures, and use of resources.
  • Work collaboratively to improve the educational system for students with disabilities.

Application and selection process:

Applications are open to parents of disabled students, St. Bernard Parish School Board employees, and community stakeholders.  Accepted applicants will be notified of their selection by email.

Printed applications can be found HERE.

Apply Online

SEAC Reports