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St Bernard Parish Public School System

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Preschool Literacy

Putting Literacy First


Preschool Literacy Activities

ABC Tree

1. Read! Read! Read!

  • Read to your child for 20 minutes each day.
  • Practice segmenting cvc words into individual sounds.  
    • For example, ask your child what  sounds do you hear in the word "cat"?  Your child should say the sounds /c/ /a/ /t/.  
  • When reading, ask your child the following:
    • What happened at the beginning of the story?
    • What happened at the end of the story?
    • Who is your favorite character in the story?  Why?

2. Visit Your Local Library

  • Take your child for a visit to the local library to check out a few books.  
  • Ask your child questions about each book after you read the book. 
  • Some questions you can ask:
    • Who are the characters in the story?
    • Where did the story take place?
    • What is your favorite part of the story?

3. Write About It

  • Have your child draw a picture of an activity he/she recently completed.  Have your child share his adventure with a friend.
  • Have your child trace their name or build it with play-doh.
  • Have your child make their own book.  Fold some blank sheets of paper in half and staple them in the middle.  Your child can create their own story by drawing on each page and telling you what's happening on the page. 

4. Preschool Songs

  • Singing and listening to music can have a positive affect on children's literacy understanding.  Songs focused on literacy skills (ABC songs, nursery rhymes, etc) help children practice in an exciting and fun way. 

5. Driving Games

  • Have your child "read" the names of popular signs that they pass daily.  They can read restaurant names, store names, road signs, etc.  
  • Have your child retell a story that they listened to recently.  Try to prompt them to tell what happeneed in the beginning, middle, and end.  
  • Give your child a word and have them try to say a word that rhymes with it.  



Kids Reading