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St Bernard Parish Public School System

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Food Services

Food Services 

Welcome to Child Nutrition! We are excited to serve enjoyable and healthy meals to the students and staff throughout the district. Our staff encourages healthy lifestyle choices through proper nutrition and is continuously working to meet the needs of our school community.

All St. Bernard Parish Public Schools participate in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs. Our menus offer a variety of fruits and vegetables, low fat and non-fat milk choices, 100% whole grains, low sodium and low fat entrées and are designed to meet the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) requirements for school meals.

We encourage students, parents, community members, and staff to view our website for monthly menus, the school wellness policy, and information about the Child Nutrition Programs.

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Lacoste_Cafeteria Lady
Arabi_cafeteria ladies
Gauthier Cafeteria
AJ_Cafeteria Lady
Smith_Cafeteria Ladies
CHS_Jared Lachney
First page of the PDF file: Wellness_Policy_Monitoring_Survey
Wellness Policy Monitoring Survey

Michael Morel
Food Services Contact
Click here to email