Arabi Extended Day Program
To help meet the needs of our families, St. Bernard Parish Schools offers an Extended Day School Program at Arabi Elementary School for working parents. Morning care begins at 6:30 a.m., and afternoon care ends at 5:30 p.m.This program is in high demand. Students enrolled in Arabi's school district will have first priority.
EDS Registration is OPEN for the 2022-2023 school year
- Current EDS students and current Arabi Alligators
- Registration dates: March 29, 2022 – April 29, 2022
- Open enrollment for St. Bernard Parish students
- Registration dates: May 2, 2022 – May 20, 2022
- Pre-school families need to contact the pre-school department for registration.
PK Department phone number (504-267-3310)
General Information for Enrollment:
- Before-care hours: 6:30am – 7:35am; After-care hours: 3:00pm-5:30pm
- Students actively enrolled in the program must be up-to-date on payments to be accepted for the 2022-2023 school year.
- Acceptance of enrollment is determined by the regular school day class size per grade level.
- ALL families MUST apply EVERY year for acceptance to the program.
- Students are eligible for acceptance throughout the school year based on grade level availability.
- Bus transportation is not provided for students who attend after-care.
- You must email the Extended Day Program Coordinator for a registration form (jmitchell@sbpsb.org).
- All required documentation, registration fee, and first month tuition is due prior to registration being processed.
Eligibility Documents:
- Copy of 2 recent check stubs for both parents or one for single-parent homes
- Copy of 2021 W2 forms for both parents or one for single-parent homes
- Self-employed must provide tax verification
Program Cost and Payment Information:
- $25 registration fee per family
- Tuition is $8 per day per child ($40 per week) regardless of school day attendance.
- Tuition is due on the 1st school day of each month.
- $25 late payment fee after the 3-day grace period and habitual late payments will jeopardize your child’s enrollment.
- $5 late fee is assessed for every 10 minutes past 5:30pm
- Cash, checks and money orders made payable to:
St. Bernard Parish Schools – EDS
Memo line: student’s name and month of tuition
Jill Mitchell
Extended Day Program Coordinator
Click here to email