Tech Information for Summer
Ever Wonder What Goes Into A Show?
The Performing Arts Academy's Technical Program is a wonderful way to learn how to "focus" your way into a show. Students will learn the different aspects of backstage work: Lighting, Sound, Stage Management, Stage Hand, Fly (both Scenery and actors), Scenery, Props, etc. While learning about these aspects of theater, we will be putting together the summer show.
Students willing to attend, please check out the information below. This program is only open to upcoming 7th graders through high school students.
For any questions:
Fred Hebert
Show Dates for "Something Rotten":
June 27 - June 30, 2024
With a possible added show date of Monday, July 1, 2024
Registration Form: Click Here
Summer Dates:
The Performing Arts Academy
June 2 - July 2, 2023
9 am - 3:00 pm from June 3 - 14
Later call times will be made when we get closer to the show. Click here for a full calendar. Dates and time could change.
Due to the nature of this show, not every student will need to be present at every rehearsal. There will be a detailed schedule given out on June 7th, 2024, followed by various schedule updates addressing when each tech member needs to be present at rehearsal.
Payment Schedule for Tech in "Something Rotten":
$25.00 Cast Shirt Due by June 14
Parents, do you want to be involved in making "Something Rotten" come to life?
Parents, if you would like to participate in arts and crafts, sewing or set construction, then email,, or call Charles Cassar at 504-975-4181 and give us your contact information. We are always looking for parents that want to be involved!
We are also interested in parents who are able to cook and help serve meals for tech week and performances.
For all questions or concerns for Tech: Please email